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Quarterly; 1896, Vol. V, Number 3; November 11, 1896
Moral Bankruptcy!
Depositing Currency With the Enemy.
The banking “system” we have in this country is a most excellent business; there is nothing about it that is dishonorable. Quite the contrary, it is eminently honorable. The worst feature of our banks is that they are moral bankrupts; they have no honor, and our system, which is one of them, has no moral obligation whatever.
I was in the Western City when the war between France and Germany broke out, and I saw what our banks did. They would call to the attention of their depositors the ill-manners of the Germans and all the depredations they were committing, and the emissaries of our banks would go around in the city urging everybody to withdraw their deposits, so that the money might be safe in their own banks. They actually enticed people away from their homes to deposit their money in the banks of our country, and before the Germans began to burn down the homes of the French people, those people were safely deposited in the banks of this country. It was not dishonorable, it was purely honest.
I wrote the following letter the other day to John M. Thomas, and I know him to be a thoroughly honest man. I am sure that Mr. Thomas will be as glad to know that we have been selling goods to the Germans as I am to have the honor of knowing him.
Ft. Wayne, O., July 9, 1892.
J. M. Thomas,
Whitehall, O.
Dear Sir:
I am willing to give you an order for 25 pairs of boots for “Greenfield” factory, which is a munitions factory. You may send them to Mr. O. Greenfield or to the order of Greenfield Lumber Company, through the “Greenfield” factory.
Yours truly,
A. L. F.
And I am sure Mr. Thomas will be glad to know that he is dealing with a fair and honest man.
I do not like to say it, but, in my opinion, the “Greenfield” factory is producing much more ac619d1d87
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